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About DGI


The German Society for Information and Knowledge (DGI) promotes developments in information science and information practice by observing and communicating basic principles, working methods and technical tools. The DGI identifies new concepts, methods and tools for the design of information services and for knowledge management. It represents the interests of documentalists and all information professionals in their professional environment, in public and towards information policy and economy.

The strength of the DGI is the know-how in dealing with information and the transfer of information competence. These are important preconditions for the innovative capacity of companies, research institutions and administrations.

But above all: the DGI is a membership association and lives from, through and for its members.

Today’s DGI was reactivated in 1948 as the German Society for Documentation (DGD). In the many years of its existence, a lot has changed in the field of documentation and information.