Frankfurt Bookfair 2015: The Next Generation Information Management
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1 – Frankfurt am Main
Location: Hot Spot Scientific Information Professionals, Hall 4.2, L101
Date and Time: 16. October 2015, 1:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Sponsoring partner
Collaboration partners:
“The Next Generation Information Management“
A DGI-event in co-operation with P-D-R (Pharma Documentation Ring) and PAID (Pharma Working Group Information & Documentation) at Frankfurt Bookfair 2015
The world around us is changing rapidly. We see an ever growing number of new technologies and methods to search, analyse, integrate and save information. Mobile access to data is an imperative. Nevertheless, the task of information managers remains the same: enable easy access to information for users. For information professionals this means they need a clear strategy and the flexibility to adapt to new requirements and the environment.
On October 16, 2015 the DGI will be hosting a two hour event at the Frankfurt Bookfair. Short sessions will look at the future of Information Management. What will be the state of the industry five years from now? Will there be books or journals? Will there be Information Managers or will we be replaced by systems or even robots?
„Speed Networking“ will offer information professionals the opportunity to meet publishers and service providers on an informal base. The event will be rounded up by 5-minute pitches by vendors to present innovative and trend-setting products.
Learning about new and innovative products at the Bookfair often falls prey to busy calendars. The 20 to 30 minute sessions are an opportunity for information managers and professionals to hear about trends and interact with colleagues.
The event will be in English and is kindly sponsored by RightsDirect.
13:15-13:45 | Panel discussion: “2020: where will we be? A publisher’s view of the future” Learn from 6 leading publishers what they think the state of the industry will be 5 years from now: will there be books? Will there be journals? Will there be Information Managers?
Participants: AAAS, DowJones, EBSCO, Elsevier, OUP, Wiley Moderated by Andrew Clark (UCB Biopharma) / Barbara Reissland (LIBRARY CONSULT) |
13:45-14:05 | Spotlight session: “Will robots replace the Information Professional?” |
14:05:-14:35 | Interactive session: “A date with your providers” Speed networking like no other! A fun and interactive session to get to know existing and new providers
Participants: AAAS, DFKI, DowJones, EBSCO, Elsevier, FIZ Karlsruhe, iViews, OUP, RSC, Wiley Moderated by Kate Alzapiedi (RightsDirect) |
14:35-15:05 | Product review: “Soapbox TV” Short presentations of innovative publishing products or services supporting the next generation of information Management |
15:05-15:15 | Closing notes |
Contact: Barbara Reissland, LIBRARY CONSULT (reissland[at]